Advancing Gender Equity

Enjoyed attending the April 20th CADTH Lecture Series on How to Advance Gender Equity in the medical and academic sciences, presented by Drs. Larissa Shamseer and Andrea Tricco.

Some key takeaway messages:

  • Gender equity makes for better health care and health policy. Period.

  • Gender inequity is not a pipeline issue or an aspirational issue; rather, it is rooted in traditional gender roles, norms, and relations.

  • There is not a lot of evidence, yet, about effective interventions to promote gender equity in academic medicine, but some promising strategies worthy of further investigation include the following:

    • annual reporting of gender statistics (e.g., funding, publications, promotion, compensation);

    • assessing the impact of any gender equity efforts that are implemented;

    • offering career flexibility (e.g., time banking, shortened work days); implementing a ‘no email on evenings or weekends’ policy;

    • mentoring and sponsorship programs’

    • encourage male allyship - no more manels!